The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently issued a final order formally revoking and terminating the registration of several pesticide products containing chlorpyrifos. On April 3, 2024, the EPA published a notice of voluntary withdrawal or termination of use by the registered holder of these products and finally approved the registered holder's request.
For existing inventory, the EPA sets strict guidelines for sale, distribution, and use. Specifically, MUP products containing 61.5% chlorpyrifos may not be sold or distributed as of the date of the final order. The sale and distribution of EC products containing 4% chlorpyrifos can be extended until April 30, 2025, and can continue to be used in food-related applications until June 30, 2025. Existing stocks for other purposes are allowed to be used until depleted.
In addition, only Equil Chlorpyrifos ULV 1 and Equil Chlorpyrifos ULV 2, which are labeled for non-food use, are allowed by EPA to continue the sale and distribution of existing stock for one year after the cancellation order is issued.
This decision is EPA's response to an April 2021 court order. In August 2021, the EPA had removed all limits allowing chlorpyrifos to remain in food, but that decision was reversed by a court in November 2023. Subsequently, the EPA reinstated the previous residual limits for chlorpyrifos in February 2024. The E.P.A. is expected to issue a more detailed rule on chlorpyrifos later this year.
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